Scads of pictures - pictures galore. I have no way of inserting my SD card into a computer here and dodgy internet access at best so you won't see any of them for a while. Then you'll see too many.
We've been to Megiddo and seen the plains of Armageddon. I'm pleased to report that in spite of everything which is transpiring in the Anglican Communion - it may well not be as apocalyptic as some are predicting. The Plains of Armageddon seemed rather tranquil. There was a tractor or two. That's it.
The Northwest corner of the Sea of Galilee has been the high point for me. Capernaum was tremendous as was the (probable) location of the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes and Jesus' appearance to the disciples when they were fishing with little luck. We went to Beth Saida today - bumped into a Glaswegian helping out with the 'dig' there. Floated down three kilometres of the upper Jordan River flowing into the Sea of Galilee. We felt well - all was good.
I finished the day up at the Mount of the Beatitudes - was struck by how small and local everything was. It was all there in front of me. Within a sweep of about 50 degrees of head-turn was Tiberias to the right - where the tyrant lived who had done-in John the Baptist and was probably gunning for Jesus. Right below was Tabgha - the loaves and fishes, the calling of the disciples near the Source of Capernaum where they'd likely have been cleaning their nets and the appearance of Jesus to his disciples after the Resurrection. To the right was the coast where so much of the opposition had occurred - Demoniacs, the Gadarene Swine and the Stormy Coast requiring calming. Fifty degrees of head turn and you have a good half of the Gospels. Remarkable! Unbelievable!